Pregnancy Care
Pregnant women are frequently most comfortable sleeping on their side with bent knees, which promotes healthy circulation. Most doctors recommend sleeping on the left side specifically, as this position is thought to protect the liver and increase blood flow to the heart, fetus, uterus, and kidneys.
It's best to avoid lying on your back, especially in late pregnancy, when the weight of the heavy uterus can press on the large blood vessels in your belly. When lying on your side, keep your body in line, with your knees bent slightly, and avoid twisting.
The first trimester is the most crucial to your baby's development. During this period, your baby's body structure and organ systems develop. Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this period.
Especially during pregnancy, limit your intake to one small serving (1/4 cup uncooked) of rice per week, and avoid processed rice products such as crackers, cereal, gluten-free baked goods, and rice “milks” — these contain rice from unknown sources and in some cases may be significantly higher in arsenic.