PICU (Level II)
You can find out the location of the PICU at the front desk. After the patient has been brought inside the PICU, all the visitors must wait in the visitor’s area. Depending on the condition of the child, initial stabilization and admission process can take as long as 2 hours. All visitors are advised to be patient during this time. The PICU team is doing their best to attend to the patient’s needs in this time. After the patient is stable and settled, the PICU team will inform you and escort you inside the PICU.
In the PICU premises, almost all the patients will be connected to tubing and other medical devices. All the medical equipment have an alarm attached to them that alerts the nurses if there is any change in movement. During the first visit, the nurse will help you understand the purpose of these devices.
Having a child admitted in the PICU is a very stressful experience. Therefore, it is very important that you also take care of yourself. You need to be well and strong too.